Cancelation Guidelines

How this works.

A. Before a hospital may cancel a relief veterinarian from previously confirmed and scheduled relief dates, the cancelation is put temporarily on hold while searches for and offers the canceled doctor matching work dates at another facility.

  1. If similar relief dates are unavailable, then the originally scheduled and agreed upon relief work should proceed as planned.
  2. When the canceled relief veterinarian is offered comparable work dates elsewhere but the elects not to pursue this newer relief work then the hospital's cancelation should proceed forward without further dispute.

B. Before a relief doctor may cancel previously confirmed relief dates at a hospital, the cancelation is temporarily put on hold until locates a replacement veterinarian.

  1. If a replacement doctor cannot be found to work, then the originally scheduled relief doctor to work as previously agreed upon and planned.
  2. When a replacement doctor is identified and available but the hospital elects to forego hiring the replacement doctor then the relief doctor's cancelation request should proceed forward without further dispute.

Timing of a Cancelation

A. -- Two months or more --

  1. Relief dates that are canceled by either the hospital or relief doctor far in advance is considered sufficient notice. will secure an acknowledgement of the cancelation from the canceled doctor or hospital.
B. -- One month or less ---
  1. Relief dates that are canceled sooner by either the hospital or relief doctor are to follow these Guidelines.
C. -- Short notice (week or days) ---
  1. When a previously scheduled relief veterinarian is canceled unexpectedly by a hospital and is unable to offer similar relief work date(s) elsewhere, then discussions of remuneration should begin between the hospital and the relief veterinarian.
  2. When a relief doctor unexpectedly cancels previously confirmed relief dates at a hospital and is unable to locate a replacement doctor to work then discussions of future relief dates, discount relief fees, or remuneration discussions should begin between the relief veterinarian and the hospital.

Reimbursement and Remuneration

  1. When a hospital cancels a previously scheduled relief veterinarian, any nonrefundable 'out of pocket' expenses that are necessary to honor the committed relief dates should be reimbursed by the hospital to the relief doctor upon presentation of an invoice with its supportive documentation.
  2. When a relief veterinarian cancels previously confirmed relief dates at a hospital, the relief veterinarian should pay the hospital any difference in relief fees for the replacement doctor.
  3. may invoice the canceling party a processing fee of $65 per canceled day.
  4. There is no remuneration by either the hospital or relief veterinarian when both the hospital and the doctor agree to a cancelation, i.e. an undisputed cancelation. to assess and to resolve disputed cancelations, only

A. Rationale for a cancelation.

  1. Cause,
  2. practice of veterinary medicine below minimum standards,
  3. or legal, security, other issues.
B. Reimbursement and Remuneration
  1. Who pays, who is eligible, and the amount?
  2. How a cancelation ultimately is resolved.