Frequently Asked Questions
by Relief Veterinarians

How do I Search for work and Bid on Jobs?

First Create an Account. Then follow the steps listed below or check-out this graphic.

How to Respond to a Hospital's reply, check-out this graphic.

What are the relief veterinarian's obligations to when additional work or employment is offered from a referred hospital?

Your main obligation is to inform and updated us when you schedule additional work at a hospital where we referred you. As a courtesy we will email you a reminder each month.
Learn more: our agreement.

Am I restricted from accepting relief work or employment independently from

No. However our user agreement restricts you from acting as an online 'referral service' or 'employment agency' where you might compete against by providing veterinarians other than yourself to veterinary facilities.
Learn more: our agreement.

My surgical skills are limited. Is it appropriate to submit a bid for employment at a hospital?

Yes. In general bids are always welcomed. However make a note in the comment section of the bid form indicating your limitations.

My bid was accepted by a hospital. Should I confirm it by email or go to the web site to confirm?

Either way is fine. We prefer that you confirm via the web site whenever possible.

If I find that I don't like the hospital may I remove myself from other relief work dates?

The answer is complicated and beyond the scope of these faqs. With that said and in most circumstances, No, or at least not immediately. Let us try and unwind you from your upcoming work dates. We will post a back-up job and try to find someone qualified to replace you. Once we find another doctor and you have not resolved your diferences with the hospital then we will let them know that someone else is willing to work as a replacement. If you simply remove yourself from confirmed dates you may be liable for breach of contract if your employment relationship was not 'at will'.

If my bid has been accepted can the hospital cancel me after the first work day?

The answer is complicated and beyond the scope of these faqs. Cancelations are handled on a case by case basis. Try not to take it personal and work together if their issues are reconcilable. However that may not always be possible. Contact us.

Can I withdrawn my bid for relief work before the hospital replies?

Yes, and you may bid on other jobs. When one of your bids is accepted though, any conflicting bid dates will be automatically withdrawn.

How much should a relief veterinarian charge? How do I determine what to charge a hospital for relief work?

To derive a reasonable introductory fee consider your interpersonal skills, your income generation abilities, medical and surgical experience, and your professional demeanor. Hospitals located in metropolitan areas pay more than those in rural zones but usually expect a doctor to generate more income. You should also consider whether the relief work is during peak relief season such as holidays, summer, or during a major veterinary conference. We have not seen a major fluctuation in fees since Covid-19 pandemic

I bid for relief work but have not received a reply. How do you know if the job has already been covered? Who informs me if my bid is not accepted? will follow-up and notify you of our progress and the outcome of your bid. In the meantime you are eiligible to bid on other jobs. You are not required to wait for a reply based solely upon creating a bid! Please let us know if this is not clear or you have additional questions related to this topic

Once a bid has been accepted can the hospital change the schedule?

Yes, and so can you. However when the schedule is changed, negotiations are re-opened. Meaning to say you are no longer bound to the original agreement and schedule. When you and the hospital accept the newer changes then a newer agreement is in effect.

What is your advise when searching for relief work away from home?

Here's our recommendation for a 'traveling vet': Well-ahead of your travel plans bid on jobs. When you bid on jobs you might want to alert the hospital (use the comment section of the bid) that your bid is conditioned upon you successfully scheduling a critical number of work dates. Once you've scheduled enough shifts, then traveling becomes profitable. Finally new jobs are constantly being posted to the web site. You may still bid on newer jobs that compliment your confirmed itinerary of scheduled work and travel dates.

What can VetRelief offer me?

How to conduct relief work as a (successful) business?